Speaking as a true 90's kid: Steff Black was partially raised by celebrities such as Bugs Bunny & the Powerpuff Girls.
Her specialty is designing for short explainer animations, educational animations, and design for print and web. As a freelancer, Steff Black loves creating concepts together with her clients to help their communication strategy. The products can be stand-alone or part of a campaign that she works on with her extensive network of creative freelancers. Her style is 2D flat illustration and often you will find humoristic elements in her work to convey the message. Every production is tailored specially to her client's needs!
Steff Black was born in South Africa & raised in Germany and spent the last 12 years in Rotterdam. She loves to mix all the languages! When she’s not curled up behind her screen designing, you can find her on her skates.

Shoot Steff Black a message if you have any questions or want to collaborate!


+31 (0) 655 337 333

 Some of my awesome clients



Adobe Illustrator
My one true love
Adobe After Effects
Preferred medium for making things move
Adobe InDesign
Making things print ready
Adobe Photoshop
For the details

Can curse fluently in English, Dutch & German

Let's make things crab! right-01.png

Ask me anything!